
Managing the introduction of CAIS to F/A-18E/F Flight Test Operations

机译:管理将CAIS引入F / A-18E / F飞行测试运营



System is required on E3 to support its airframe loads calibration. Considering that the first two aircraft, E1 and E2, would be fitted with a different core instrumentation system (DDAS), would there potentially be an effect upon the validity of an attempted comparison of the same data taken on other F/A-18E/F aircraft? If so, what elements of system design would contribute to that difference, and could suitable modifications be made to either core system to eliminate the difference? That is, what differences exist betwene the two pulse-code modulation (PCM) subsystems used across the F/A-18E/F program, CAIS and DDAS, that could affect final data, and how do we proceed to make that final data independent of those differences? The answer was felt to be in the timing differences between the two system data buses, and the implementation of individual data sampling schemes.
机译:E3上需要系统来支持其机身负载校准。考虑到前两架飞机E1和E2将配备不同的核心仪器系统(DDAS),这可能会对试图比较在其他F / A-18E /上获得的相同数据的有效性产生影响F飞机?如果是这样,系统设计的哪些要素将导致这种差异,并且可以对任一核心系统进行适当的修改以消除差异吗?也就是说,在F / A-18E / F程序中使用的两个脉冲编码调制(PCM)子系统(CAIS和DD​​AS)之间存在哪些差异会影响最终数据,以及如何继续使最终数据独立这些差异中的哪些?人们认为答案在于两个系统数据总线之间的时序差异以及单个数据采样方案的实现。



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