首页> 外文会议>Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1991. Proceedings., Twelfth >Program representation and translation for predictable real-timesystems

Program representation and translation for predictable real-timesystems




A basic approach to the problem of program translation for systemsusing explicit plan scheduling is described. One of the goals is toestablish a source language, Spring-C, that can serve as a target formany languages. The author discusses a method for deriving behavioralpredictions while translating between the programming and run-timerepresentations used by the Spring system. A graph representation of theprogram is derived from the intermediate representation the compileruses to emit code. This graph is then reduced and analyzed to makebehavioral predictions. The author presents the basic translation methodand gives examples of how it translates programming language constructsfor critical sections and synchronous communication
机译:解决系统程序翻译问题的基本方法 描述了使用显式计划调度。目标之一是 建立可以用作目标语言的源语言Spring-C 许多语言。作者讨论了一种推导行为的方法 在编程和运行时之间进行转换时的预测 Spring系统使用的表示形式。的图形表示 程序是从中间表示派生出来的编译器 用于发出代码。然后将此图进行还原和分析以得出 行为预测。作者介绍了基本的翻译方法 并举例说明它如何翻译编程语言结构 用于关键部分和同步通信



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