首页> 外文会议>大気環境学会;技術講習会テキスト >The applications of air pollution monitoring platform of drone in air pollution profiling in southern Beijing

The applications of air pollution monitoring platform of drone in air pollution profiling in southern Beijing




Air pollution has become a serious regional problem in recent years in China, and is oftenstrengthened by the atmospheric transport of the air pollutants. Although thousands of standard airquality monitoring stations have been established in the past several years in China, all of them areground based and can only obtain the data at surface level. Vertical distribution data of atmosphericpollutants are very scarce, and these data are of great significance to the study of long-rangetransport. The aloft transport of the air pollution has aroused extensive attention however therelative understanding is still insufficient due to the technical difficulties of aloft observation. Theaircraft measurement is a good way for the investigation of the air pollution profiling. Smalltransport planes have been well used for the aloft observation in the past decades in China.Nevertheless, the flight frequency and duration is still far from enough data collection due to thehigh cost and air traffic control. Recently, with the rapid technical development, various unmannedaerial vehicles started to be used for the air pollution measurement. In this study, an air pollutionmonitoring platform based on an unmanned drone is developed and the technical of shippinginstruments evaluation campaigns in southern Beijing is introduced.
机译:近年来,空气污染已成为中国一个严重的地区性问题,并且经常是 通过大气中空气污染物的运输得到加强。虽然成千上万的标准空气 在过去的几年中,中国已经建立了质量监控站,它们都是 基于地面的,并且只能获取表面水平的数据。大气垂直分布数据 污染物非常稀少,这些数据对于远程研究具有重要意义 运输。空气污染的高空运输引起了广泛的关注,但是 由于高空观测的技术困难,相对的理解仍然不足。这 飞机测量是调查空气污染状况的一个好方法。小的 在过去的几十年中,运输飞机已被广泛用于高空观测。 然而,由于 高成本和空中交通管制。近来,随着技术的飞速发展,各种无人驾驶 飞机开始用于空气污染测量。在这项研究中,空气污染 开发了基于无人驾驶飞机的监控平台,并提供了运输技术 引入了北京南部的乐器评估运动。



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