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Disconnection Attacks Against LoRaWAN 1.0.X ABP Devices

机译:针对LoRaWAN 1.0.X ABP设备的断开连接攻击



Previous research work has already documented vulnerabilities of LoRaWAN 1.0.x, in the form of Replay Attacks which may cause disconnection situations. To face (also) these concerns, modern network servers implement careful techniques to handle sequence numbers (frame counters) in the presence of unexpected/out-of-sequence messages. In this paper we show that, despite such patches, the problem of disconnection attacks is still widely open. We document a number of new replay-type attacks which target ABP (Activation By Personalization) devices, namely devices which are deployed with an hard-coded set of session keys, and which may cause a range of disconnection situations, including extremely long term ones - the worst case being in the order of 2 to the 32 message transmissions (hundreds/thousands years considering ordinary IoT rates). We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed attacks by analyzing their impact on three different LoRaWAN network server implementations (two well known open-source network servers, and a proprietary network server co-developed by us), and demonstrating their practicality on two of said network servers (ours and ChirpStack). Finally, we discuss trade-offs and mitigation actions, though we remark that these attacks appear intrinsic in the LoRaWAN 1.0.x specification, and can be ultimately fixed only by migrating to LoRaWAN 1.1.
机译:先前的研究工作已经以重放攻击的形式记录了LoRaWAN 1.0.x的漏洞,这可能会导致断开连接。面对(也)这些问题,现代网络服务器实施了谨慎的技术来在出现意外/失序消息的情况下处理序列号(帧计数器)。在本文中,我们表明,尽管有此类补丁,但断开连接攻击的问题仍然广泛存在。我们记录了许多针对ABP(通过个性化激活)设备的新型重放类型攻击,即,这些设备部署了带有一组硬编码的会话密钥的设备,并可能导致一系列断开连接情况,包括长期断开连接的情况-最坏的情况是2到32消息传输的数量级(考虑普通的IoT速率,数以百计/千年)。通过分析它们对三种不同的LoRaWAN网络服务器实现(两台著名的开源网络服务器和我们共同开发的专有网络服务器)的影响,并证明它们在上述两种网络中的实用性,我们证明了所提议攻击的可行性。服务器(我们和ChirpStack)。最后,我们讨论了权衡和缓解措施,尽管我们指出这些攻击在LoRaWAN 1.0.x规范中是固有的,只有通过迁移到LoRaWAN 1.1才能最终解决。



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