
On the brain-mind visual experiences




Within the frame of the dissipative quantum model of brain we present a theoretical analysis of brain-mind visual experiences made during dreaming, meditation, caused by the action of psychoactive substances, or under conditions of low degree of openness of the brain on its environment. The brain-mind visual experiences we refer to are visual activities not connected to the actual seeing as in the awake state. The movie-like sequences of images in brain-mind visual experiences have their origin in the criticality of the low level of openness of the brain dynamics. They are described as trajectories through the memory space constructed during the subject perceptual experiences. Truthfulness and realism felt in brain-mind visual experiences find a description in terms of the entanglement between the doubled degrees of freedom in the dissipative model. We conjecture that brain-mind visual experiences may be present also in subjects under anesthesia, in some coma states and in general under conditions of reduced openness of the brain on its environment. Our presentation develops mostly at a descriptive, qualitative level. The mathematical formalism on which it is grounded is summarized in the Appendix to facilitate the reading of the main text. Laboratory observations of the criticality of the brain functional activity are in agreement with the dissipative model and are briefly recalled in the course of the presentation. Nevertheless much work is still needed at theoretical and experimental level.



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