首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media;International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction >Materialism and Facebook Usage: Could Materialistic and Non-materialistic Values Be Linked to Using Facebook Differently?

Materialism and Facebook Usage: Could Materialistic and Non-materialistic Values Be Linked to Using Facebook Differently?




Materialism is a set of human values that places importance on the symbolic value of money or material goods. Furthermore, materialistic values have been associated with Internet usage, and also social media usage. The current research investigates this relationship further by specifically examining whether those with more materialistic values might use social media (Facebook) in different ways to those with less materialistic values. Self-report measures were collected from 108 participants. It was found that the higher the importance (extrinsic importance) attached to materialistic values, the more time spent posting photos, but the less time spent chatting on Facebook messenger and less time posting links. The higher the perceived likelihood (extrinsic likelihood) of achieving materialistic values, the more reported time posting status updates, but the less time spent chatting on Facebook messenger and less time posting links. Conversely, the higher the importance attached to non-materialistic values (intrinsic importance) the more reported time chatting on Facebook messenger, more time spent posting links, but less time spent posting photos. And the higher the reported likelihood of achieving non-materialistic values (intrinsic likelihood) the more reported time chatting on Facebook messenger, more time spent posting links, but less time spent posting status updates. However, neither self-reported time checking Facebook, nor self-reported attention paid to advertising were related to either materialistic or non-materialistic values. Overall, the findings indicate that certain activities on Facebook can be associated with both materialistic and non-materialistic values.
机译:唯物主义是一套人类价值观,重视金钱或物质商品的象征价值。此外,物质价值已经与互联网使用以及社交媒体使用相关联。当前的研究通过专门研究那些具有较高唯物主义价值观的人是否可能以与那些具有较低唯物主义价值观的人不同的方式使用社交媒体(Facebook),从而进一步研究了这种关系。自108名参与者收集了自我报告的措施。人们发现,赋予物质主义价值观的重要性(外部重要性)越高,发布照片所花的时间就越多,但在Facebook Messenger上聊天的时间就越少,发布链接的时间就越少。实现物质价值的感知可能性(外部可能性)越高,报告状态更新的时间就越多,但是在Facebook Messenger上聊天的时间就越少,而发布链接的时间就越少。相反,对非物质价值的重视程度(内在重要性)越高,则在Facebook Messenger上聊天的时间越多,花在发布链接上的时间就越多,但是花在发布照片上的时间就越少。而且,报告获得非实质性值的可能性(内在可能性)越高,则在Facebook Messenger上聊天的时间就越多,花在发布链接上的时间就越多,但是花在发布状态更新上的时间就越少。但是,无论是自我报告的时间检查Facebook,还是自我报告的对广告的关注都与物质或非物质价值无关。总体而言,调查结果表明,Facebook上的某些活动可能与物质价值和非物质价值相关联。



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