
Air Legislation, Regulation Policy Developments




Updates on the development and implementation of air quality regulations, particularly emission regulations, promulgated under the U.S. and Canadian air quality legislation will be presented and discussed. Standards development of particular interest includes new source performance standards under Section 111, emission guidelines under Section 111(d), and maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act. The current state of standards development and the current schedule for developing and proposing standards will be discussed as well as the implementation of promulgated standards and revisions. Recent court rulings and cases will also be addressed. EPA's required evaluations of the residual risks remaining after the application of MACT standards, as required by Section 112(f) of the Clean Air Act, will also be noted. State emission standards, often developed from EPA's Control Techniques Guidelines (CTGs) may also be covered. This panel session will present views of EPA; Environment Canada; State, Provincial and local agencies; industry; and environmental advocates on the status, directions and expectations regarding new source performance standards (NSPS) under 40 CFR 60 and maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards under 40 CFR 63, as well as criteria pollutant and air toxics regulations of other jurisdictions - local, state, and national. Representatives of EPA, state and Canadian environmental agencies, industry and, if available, environmental advocacy groups will present and discuss the status of these standards, with particular emphasis on the more current regulations. The panel may address the progress and problems with implementation of the promulgated standards and the status and results of court decisions.
机译:将介绍和讨论根据美国和加拿大的空气质量法规颁布的空气质量法规(特别是排放法规)的制定和实施的最新情况。特别关注的标准制定包括《清洁空气法》第112条下的第111节中的新排放源性能标准,第111(d)节中的排放准则以及最大可实现的控制技术(MACT)标准。将讨论标准制定的当前状态以及制定和提出标准的当前时间表,以及已颁布的标准和修订版的实施。最近的法院裁决和案件也将得到处理。还要注意,按照《清洁空气法》第112(f)节的要求,EPA对应用MACT标准后剩余的残留风险进行了必要的评估。州排放标准,通常是根据EPA的控制技术指南(CTG)制定的,也可以包括在内。该小组会议将介绍EPA的观点;加拿大环境部;国家,省和地方机构;行业;和环境倡导者就40 CFR 60下的新排放源性能标准(NSPS)和40 CFR 63下的最大可达到的控制技术(MACT)标准以及其他管辖区的污染物和空气有毒物质法规的标准的状态,方向和期望,州和国家/地区。 EPA,州和加拿大环保机构,行业以及环保倡导组织的代表将介绍和讨论这些标准的现状,特别着重于最新法规。专家组可以讨论颁布标准的执行进度和问题,以及法院判决的状态和结果。



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