首页> 外文会议>IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops >Transfer Learning for Classifying Single Hand Gestures on Comprehensive Bharatanatyam Mudra Dataset

Transfer Learning for Classifying Single Hand Gestures on Comprehensive Bharatanatyam Mudra Dataset

机译:基于Bharatanatyam Mudra数据集的单手手势分类转移学习



For any dance form, either classical or folk, visual expressions - facial expressions and hand gestures play a key role in conveying the storyline of the accompanied music to the audience. Bharatanatyam – a classical dance form which has origins from the southern states of India, is on the verge of being completely automated partly due to an acute dearth of qualified and dedicated teachers/gurus. In an honest effort to speed up this automation process and at the same time preserve the cultural heritage, we have chosen to identify and classify the single hand gestures/mudras/hastas against their true labels by using two variations of the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that demonstrates the exceeding effectiveness of transfer learning irrespective of the domain difference between the pre-training and the training dataset. This work is primarily aimed at 1) building a novel dataset of 2D single hand gestures belonging to 27 classes that were collected from Google search engine (Google images), YouTube videos (dynamic and with background considered) and professional artists under staged environment constraints (plain backgrounds), 2) exploring the effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Networks in identifying and classifying the single hand gestures by optimizing the hyperparameters, and 3) evaluating the impacts of transfer learning and double transfer learning, which is a novel concept explored in this paper for achieving higher classification accuracy.
机译:对于古典或民间的任何舞蹈形式,视觉表达-面部表情和手势在将伴随音乐的故事情节传达给听众方面都起着关键作用。 Bharatanatyam –一种起源于印度南部各州的古典舞蹈形式,由于完全缺乏合格和敬业的教师/专家,正处于完全自动化的边缘。为了加速这一自动化过程并同时保留文化遗​​产,我们做出了诚实的努力,我们选择通过使用卷积神经网络(CNN)的两种变体来对单个手势/手印/手势进行识别并对其真实标签进行分类)证明了转移学习的超强效果,而不论预训练和训练数据集之间的领域差异如何。这项工作的主要目的是:1)建立一个新的2D单手手势数据集,该数据集属于27个类别,它们是在阶段性环境约束下从Google搜索引擎(Google图片),YouTube视频(动态且考虑背景)和专业艺术家收集的(普通背景),2)探索卷积神经网络通过优化超参数来识别和分类单手手势的有效性,3)评估转移学习和双重转移学习的影响,这是本文探讨的一种新颖概念达到更高的分类精度。



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