首页> 外文会议>Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology >Teaching Professional Morality Ethics to Undergraduate Computer Science Students through Cognitive Apprenticeships Case Studies: Experiences in CS-HU 130 ‘Foundational Values’

Teaching Professional Morality Ethics to Undergraduate Computer Science Students through Cognitive Apprenticeships Case Studies: Experiences in CS-HU 130 ‘Foundational Values’

机译:通过认知学徒制和案例研究,向计算机科学专业的大学生教授职业道德与道德:CS-HU 130“基础价值观”的经验



This proposal describes and details experience in guiding undergraduate computer science students to identify and address issues related to inclusion, diversity and social justice as they occur in computer science education and computer science professions. Specific details reported here arise from experience teaching a one-credit undergraduate course at Boise State University (CS-HU 130, Foundational Values).
机译:该提案描述并详细介绍了指导本科计算机科学专业的学生识别并解决与计算机科学教育和计算机科学专业有关的包容性,多样性和社会公正性相关问题的经验。这里报道的具体细节来自在博伊西州立大学教授一学分的本科课程的经验(CS-HU 130,基本价值观)。



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