
High Coverage Concolic Equivalence Checking




A concolic approach, called Slec-Cf, to check sequential equivalence between a high-level (e.g., C++/SystemC) hardware description and an RTL (e.g., Verilog) is presented. Slec-Cf searches for counterexamples over the possible values of a set of "control signals" in a depth-first lexicographic manner, avoiding values that are unrealizable by any concrete input. In addition, Slec-Cf respects user-specified design constraints during search, thus only producing stimuli that are of relevance to users. It is a superior alternative to random simulations, which produce an overwhelming number of irrelevant stimuli for user-constrained designs, and are therefore of limited effectiveness. To handle complex designs, we present an incremental version of Slec-Cf, which iteratively increases the search depth, and set of control signals, and uses a cache to reuse prior results. We implemented Slec-Cf on top an existing industrial tool for sequential equivalence checking. Experimental results indicate that Slec-Cf clearly outperforms random simulation in terms of coverage achieved. On complex designs, incremental Slec-Cf demonstrates superior ability to achieve good coverage in almost all cases, compared to non-incremental Slec-Cf.
机译:提出了一种称为Slec-Cf的调解方法,用于检查高级(例如C ++ / SystemC)硬件描述和RTL(例如Verilog)之间的顺序等效性。 Slec-Cf以深度优先词典的方式搜索一组“控制信号”的可能值的反例,避免了任何具体输入无法实现的值。另外,Slec-Cf在搜索过程中遵守用户指定的设计约束,因此仅产生与用户相关的刺激。它是随机模拟的一种很好的替代方法,随机模拟会为用户受限的设计产生大量的无关刺激,因此效果有限。为了处理复杂的设计,我们提出了Slec-Cf的增量版本,该版本迭代地增加了搜索深度和控制信号集,并使用缓存重用了先前的结果。我们在现有的工业工具之上实施了Slec-Cf,以进行顺序等效性检查。实验结果表明,Slec-Cf在覆盖范围方面明显优于随机模拟。在复杂的设计中,与非增量式Slec-Cf相比,增量式Slec-Cf在几乎所有情况下均表现出优异的覆盖能力。



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