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Human vision perceptual color based semantic image retrieval with relevance feedback




Bridging the semantic gap between the low level visual features extracted by computers such as color, texture or shape and high level semantic concepts perceived by humans is the main challenge in the aim of increasing the precision of semantic results into Content-Based Image Retrieval (CB1R). This challenge has been approached with the technique known as Relevance Feedback (RF). The technique of RF can be applied through two methods, biased subspace learning or query movement. The method of query movement is based on Rocchio algorithm. In this paper, we present a new optimization to technique of Relevance Feedback through query movement to develop a CBIR system with better semantic precision. We make a modification to the input images color channels composition in the additive color space (Red, Green, Blue) and perceptual additive color space (Hue, Saturation, Value), through the images representation with human photopic vision behavior, which provides the semantic perception of the colors. With the proposed representation we obtained a more accurate behavior of the Color Histogram (CH), Color Coherence Vector (CCV) and Local Binary Patterns (LBP) descriptors in Rocchio algorithm, thus, a query movement oriented more to the semantics of the user. The optimization performance was measured with a subset of 137 classes with 100 images each one from Caltech256 object database. The results show a significant improvement in the semantic precision in comparison to the P. Mane RF method with prominent features, as well as the performance of CBIR systems without RF using the mentioned descriptors.
机译:为了将语义结果的精度提高到基于内容的图像检索(CB1R)中,弥合计算机提取的低级视觉特征(例如颜色,纹理或形状)与人所感知的高级语义概念之间的语义鸿沟是主要挑战。 )。已经通过称为相关反馈(RF)的技术应对了这一挑战。可以通过两种方法来应用RF技术:有偏子空间学习或查询移动。查询移动的方法基于Rocchio算法。在本文中,我们提出了一种通过查询移动对相关反馈技术进行优化的新方法,以开发语义精度更高的CBIR系统。我们通过具有人类视觉视觉行为的图像表示,对加性颜色空间(红色,绿色,蓝色)和感知性加性颜色空间(色相,饱和度,值)中的输入图像颜色通道组成进行了修改,从而提供了语义颜色的感知。通过提出的表示,我们在Rocchio算法中获得了颜色直方图(CH),颜色相干矢量(CCV)和局部二进制模式(LBP)描述符的更准确的行为,因此,查询运动更加面向用户的语义。优化性能是用137个类别的子集测量的,每个类别有100张图像(来自Caltech256对象数据库)。结果表明,与具有突出特征的P. Mane RF方法相比,语义精确度有了显着提高,而且不使用提及的描述符的不使用RF的CBIR系统的性能。



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