首页> 外文会议>IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems >Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter

Scale Correct Monocular Visual Odometry Using a LiDAR Altimeter




The inherent scale ambiguity in monocular vision is a well known issue that forces the integration of other sensory sources to obtain metric references. However, 2D or 3D LiDARs and RGB-D sensors, while guaranteeing metrological accuracy, impose a non negligible burden both in terms of computational load and power requirements limiting the feasibility of being implemented on small exploration vehicles. This paper presents a scale aware monocular Visual Odometry framework that fuses range data from a laser altimeter in order to recover and maintain a correct metric scale. The proposed Visual Odometry method consists of a keyframe based tracking and mapping algorithm using optical flow where range data serves as a scale constraint on a keyframe to keyframe basis. An optimization backend based on iSAM2 is employed in order to refine the trajectory and map estimates eliminating the scale drift without the need of performing loop closures. We demonstrate that our algorithm can obtain very similar performances to state of the art stereo visual SLAM and RGB-D methods.
机译:单眼视觉中固有的尺度模糊性是一个众所周知的问题,它迫使其他感官源集成以获得度量参考。然而,2D或3D LiDAR和RGB-D传感器在保证计量精度的同时,在计算负荷和功率要求方面都施加了不可忽略的负担,从而限制了在小型勘探车上实施的可行性。本文介绍了一种可识别比例尺的单眼视觉Odometry框架,该框架融合了激光测高仪的距离数据,以恢复并保持正确的公制比例尺。所提出的视觉测距法包括使用光流的基于关键帧的跟踪和映射算法,其中范围数据在关键帧到关键帧的基础上用作比例约束。为了优化轨迹和地图估计,采用了基于iSAM2的优化后端,从而消除了比例漂移,而无需执行回路闭合。我们证明了我们的算法可以获得与最先进的立体视觉SLAM和RGB-D方法相似的性能。



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