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Development and Assessment of E-Learning for Academic Writing: Learning Support of Writing Centers




This paper is a report on the design of Japanese writing in e-learning, based on the IDEAL model in undergraduate education. Construction of the IDEAL model involves the following steps: Identify problems and opportunities, define goals, explore possible strategies, anticipate outcomes and act, and look back and learn. We identified writing problems by 1) analyzing students' usage history of the writing center and 2) comparing freshmen's report before and after usage of the writing center in the first year. We then defined the problems based on the analyses and explored alternative solutions. To apply the solutions, an e-learning program, comprising 29 lessons, was developed to nurture Japanese writing skills at the undergraduate level. The e-learning program consisted of five categories: 1) "Before writing," 2) "Gathering information," 3) "How to write: sentence structure," 4) "How to write: sentence expressions," 5) "Reflecting on your report." These learning materials were also integrated with tutoring at writing centers and support faculty staff to teach effective writing lessons. Based on these analyses, we developed e-learning materials. This paper follows the process of developing and accessing web-based learning material for Japanese writing. According to the results of the questionnaire, the effectiveness of e-learning was revealed.
机译:本文是基于本科教育中的IDEAL模型对日语电子学习写作设计的报告。 IDEAL模型的构建涉及以下步骤:识别问题和机会,定义目标,探索可能的策略,预期结果并采取行动,然后回头学习。通过1)分析学生在写作中心的使用历史,以及2)比较第一年使用该写作中心之前和之后的新生报告,我们发现了写作问题。然后,我们根据分析结果定义了问题,并探索了替代解决方案。为了应用这些解决方案,开发了一个包含29节课程的电子学习计划,旨在培养日语水平的本科生。电子学习程序包括五类:1)“写作之前”,2)“收集信息”,3)“如何编写:句子结构”,4)“如何编写:句子表达,5)“反映在您的报告中。”这些学习材料还与写作中心的辅导相结合,并支持教职员工教授有效的写作课程。基于这些分析,我们开发了电子学习材料。本文遵循为日语写作开发和访问基于网络的学习材料的过程。根据问卷调查的结果,揭示了电子学习的有效性。



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