首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science anf Technology >WindNebula: Vectorial-Temporal Analysis for Environmental Assessment : VAST Challenge MC2 Award: Multi-challenge Award for Aesthetic Design

WindNebula: Vectorial-Temporal Analysis for Environmental Assessment : VAST Challenge MC2 Award: Multi-challenge Award for Aesthetic Design




WindNebula joins two datasets, sensor data and meteorological data, to combine wind directions with sensor readings to reveal implicit relations among locations of factories and sensors, pollution intensity, wind direction, and sensor problems. The two major views, vectorial view and temporal view, blend key information of different variables from the IEEE VAST 2017 Mini Challenge 2 dataset. This paper introduces the composition of the WindNebula system, exhibits the components of both views, and discusses the benefits of using this system to gain insights of the dataset.
机译:WindNebula将传感器数据和气象数据这两个数据集结合起来,将风向与传感器读数结合起来,以揭示工厂和传感器位置,污染强度,风向和传感器问题之间的隐式关系。矢量视图和时间视图这两个主要视图融合了来自IEEE VAST 2017 Mini Challenge 2数据集的不同变量的关键信息。本文介绍了WindNebula系统的组成,展示了两种视图的组成部分,并讨论了使用该系统获得数据集见解的好处。



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