
Secure key generation and distribution protocol for wearable devices




Smart wearable devices have enormous applications in today's world and hence their usage is increasing significantly. As these devices communicate using wireless medium, the communication must be protected from eavesdropping by using shared secret keys for data encryption. In many applications, it is essential to use a common secret key for secured communication among multiple devices. In this paper, we present our novel secret key generation and distribution protocol exploiting accelerometer data collected from smart wearable devices. We propose (i) source separation method for processing accelerometer sensor data, and (ii) key distribution protocol based on Fuzzy vault. Our scheme is information theoretically secure and our experimental results show that the maximum key generation rate of our scheme is 50 bps which is suitable for practical applications.
机译:智能可穿戴设备在当今世界上具有广泛的应用,因此其使用量正急剧增加。当这些设备使用无线介质进行通信时,必须使用共享的秘密密钥进行数据加密,以防止通信被窃听。在许多应用中,必须使用公共密钥在多个设备之间进行安全通信。在本文中,我们介绍了利用从智能可穿戴设备收集的加速度计数据的新颖秘密密钥生成和分发协议。我们提出(i)处理加速度计传感器数据的源分离方法,以及(ii)基于Fuzzy Vault的密钥分发协议。我们的方案从理论上讲是安全的信息,我们的实验结果表明,该方案的最大密钥生成速率为50 bps,非常适合实际应用。


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