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Pioneering Objectives and Activities on the Surface of Mars




Human Mars missions have been a topic of sustained interest within NASA, which continues to use its resources to examine many different mission objectives, trajectories, vehicles, and technologies, the combinations of which are often referred to as reference missions or architectures. The current investigative effort, known as the Evolvable Mars Campaign (EMC), is examining alternatives that can pioneer an extended human presence on Mars that is Earth independent. These alternatives involve combinations of all the factors just mentioned. This paper is focused on the subset of these factors involved with objectives and activities that take place on the surface of Mars. "Pioneering" is a useful phrase to encapsulate the current approach being used to address this situation - one of its primary definitions is "a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development". Thus, in this scenario, NASA would be embarking on a path to "pioneer" a suite of technologies and operations that will result in an Earth independent, extended stay capability for humans on Mars. This paper will describe (a) the concept of operation determined to be best suited for the initial emplacement, (b) the functional capabilities determined to be necessary for this emplacement, with representative examples of systems that could carry out these functional capabilities and one implementation example (i.e., delivery sequence) at a representative landing site, and will (c) discuss possible capabilities and operations during subsequent surface missions.
机译:人类火星任务一直是NASA持续关注的话题,NASA继续利用其资源来检查许多不同的任务目标,轨迹,飞行器和技术,这些任务的组合通常被称为参考任务或架构。当前的调查工作被称为“可进化的火星战役(EMC)”,它正在研究可替代的方法,这些方法可以开拓人类在火星上的独立存在,从而扩大人类在地球上的存在。这些替代方案包括上述所有因素的组合。本文重点关注与火星表面发生的目标和活动有关的这些因素的子集。 “开拓”是一个有用的短语,用于概括当前用于解决这种情况的方法-其主要定义之一是“源于或帮助开拓新思路或新活动或新方法或技术发展的个人或团体。 ”。因此,在这种情况下,美国宇航局将走上一条“先驱”一套技术和操作的道路,这将导致人类在火星上具有独立于地球的扩展居留能力。本文将描述(a)被确定为最适合初始部署的作战概念,(b)被确定为该部署所需的功能,并提供可以执行这些功能的系统的典型示例和一种实现方式以一个有代表性的着陆点为例(即交付顺序),并将(c)讨论在随后的水面飞行任务中可能的能力和操作。



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