首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems >An immersive collaborative virtual environment of a university campus for performing virtual campus evacuation drills and tours for campus safety

An immersive collaborative virtual environment of a university campus for performing virtual campus evacuation drills and tours for campus safety




The use of a collaborative virtual reality environment for training and virtual tours has been increasingly recognized an as alternative to traditional reallife tours for university campuses. Our proposed application shows an immersive collaborative virtual reality environment for performing virtual online campus tours and evacuation drills using Oculus Rift head mounted displays. The immersive collaborative virtual reality environment also offers a unique way for training in emergencies for campus safety. The participant can enter the collaborative virtual reality environment setup on the cloud and participate in the evacuation drill or a tour which leads to considerable cost advantages over large scale real life exercises. This paper presents an experimental design approach to gather data on human behavior and emergency response in a university campus environment among a set of players in an immersive virtual reality environment. We present three ways for controlling crowd behavior: by defining rules for computer simulated agents, by providing controls to the users to navigate in the VR environment as autonomous agents, and by providing controls to the users with a keyboard/ joystick along with an immersive VR head set in real time. Our contribution lies in our approach to combine these three methods of behavior in order to perform virtual evacuation drills and virtual tours in a multi-user virtual reality environment for a university campus. Results from this study can be used to measure the effectiveness of current safety, security, and evacuation procedure for campus safety.
机译:人们越来越多地认识到,使用协作式虚拟现实环境进行培训和虚拟游览可替代大学校园中传统的现实生活游览。我们提出的应用程序展示了一个沉浸式协作虚拟现实环境,该环境可使用Oculus Rift头戴式显示器执行虚拟在线校园参观和疏散演习。身临其境的协作虚拟现实环境还提供了一种独特的培训方式,以应对校园安全中的紧急情况。参与者可以在云上输入协作式虚拟现实环境设置,并参与疏散演练或游览,与大规模的现实生活练习相比,这带来了可观的成本优势。本文提出了一种实验设计方法,用于在沉浸式虚拟现实环境中的一组参与者中收集大学校园环境中的人类行为和紧急响应数据。我们提供了三种控制人群行为的方式:通过为计算机模拟的代理定义规则,向用户提供控件以在VR环境中作为自主代理进行导航,通过键盘/操纵杆以及沉浸式VR为用户提供控件实时设置头部。我们的贡献在于将这三种行为方法结合在一起的方法,以便在大学校园的多用户虚拟现实环境中执行虚拟疏散演练和虚拟游览。这项研究的结果可用于衡量当前安全,安保和疏散程序对校园安全的有效性。



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