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The wave of remunicipalisation of energy networks and supply in Germany – the establishment of 72 new municipal power utilities




After a wave of privatizations in the end of the 1990s, the electricalpower supply of many municipalities in Germany hasbeen returned into public hands. Many municipalities discoverchances and possibilities for local action, which arisewith remunicipalisation. The local policy-makers realize thatremunicipalisation offers the opportunity of implementing anindependent energy policy at local level which is critical increating a transformation to a sustainable energy system basedon energy efficiency and renewable energies. The municipalownership allows a strong governance towards more politicalinfluence in the local energy market. In addition, there isa clear opinion of the population: 81 % of citizens surveyedsay they trust their local municipal utility, compared to only26 % who say they trust corporations (VKU-Survey, 2010).In summary, there are many good reasons for local politiciansto establish their own municipal utilities. The paybackfor municipalities is tangible when the local utility focuses onreliably providing affordable energy rather than on increasingits returns. The new municipal power utilities stimulate competitionand contribute to the renewal / restructuring of thetraditional energy market.The founding of 72 municipal utilities since 2005 leads usto ask for the reasons. The study reviews the German trendtowards municipal ownership of local utilities, assessing theirperformance based on 10 targets related to the energy transition,climate protection, and the local economic impact:1. Achieving environmental objectives and organization of thelocal “Energiewende”.2. Higher local added value.3. Harnessing tax regulations for improving municipal services.4. Improving the income situation of the city.5. Democratization of supply and stronger orientation towardsthe common good (public value).6. Creating and protecting good jobs.7. Acting in social responsibility in energy supply.8. Expansion of eco-efficient energy services.9. Harnessing customer relations and public image.10. Materialising synergies with other sectors.Based on expert opinions, the study finds out that the likelihoodof these targets being reached is “high to very high”. Theaim of this article is to provide a compact and basic understandingof the possible reasons for the phenomenon of remunicipalisation.
机译:在1990年代末的一波私有化浪潮之后, 德国许多城市的电源都有 已经交到公众手中。许多城市发现 出现地方行动的机会和可能性 与区县化。当地政策制定者意识到 重新安置化提供了实施一项新的机会的机会。 地方一级的独立能源政策对 建立基于可持续能源系统的转型 关于能源效率和可再生能源。市政 所有权允许对更多政治性的强有力治理 在当地能源市场的影响力。另外,还有 人口的明确看法:81%的被调查公民 说他们相信自己当地的市政公用事业,相比之下, 26%的人说他们信任公司(VKU-Survey,2010年)。 综上所述,当地政客有很多充分的理由 建立自己的市政公用事业。回收期 当当地公用事业专注于城市时,城市是有形的 可靠地提供负担得起的能源,而不是不断增加 它的回报。新的市政电力公司刺激竞争 并为公司的更新/重组做出贡献 传统能源市场。 自2005年以来成立了72家市政公用事业公司 问原因。这项研究回顾了德国的趋势 争取地方公用事业的市政所有权,评估他们的 基于与能量转换相关的10个目标的绩效, 气候保护以及对当地经济的影响: 1.实现环境目标和组织 当地的“ Energiewende”。 2.更高的本地附加值。 3.利用税收法规来改善市政服务。 4.改善城市收入状况。 5.供应民主化和更趋向于 共同利益(公共价值)。 6.创造和保护好工作。 7.履行能源供应的社会责任。 8.扩大生态高效的能源服务。 9.利用客户关系和公众形象。 10.实现与其他部门的协同增效。 根据专家意见,研究发现 这些目标的实现是“从高到高”。这 本文的目的是提供一个紧凑而基本的理解 再次出现这种现象的可能原因。



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