首页> 外文会议>IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition >A ride-through method using input-filter capacitors for three-level indirect matrix converter based open-end winding drive

A ride-through method using input-filter capacitors for three-level indirect matrix converter based open-end winding drive




A low voltage ride-through solution for an indirect three-level matrix converter based open-end winding drive is demonstrated. The proposed method uses the input filter capacitors to exchange the inertial energy from the motor and thereby maintain the flux in the motor during grid fault conditions. The input filter capacitors act as the voltage source for inverters during the fault. Ride-through is achieved without any additional energy storage elements or modifications to the converter topology. The presented approach demonstrates that the drive is capable of handling voltage-sag conditions and reaccelerate without any significant transients after the fault clears. This paper briefly discusses the topology followed by the proposed strategy for ride-through, its implementation and reconnection to the grid. The method is validated through simulations and the results are presented. The experimental setup with the results are also shown with analysis.



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