首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation >Image-based Visual Servoing for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Central Catadioptric Camera

Image-based Visual Servoing for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Central Catadioptric Camera

机译:基于图像的Visual Serving用于中央昏迷相机的非完整移动机器人



We present an image-based visual servoing strategy for nonholonomic mobile robot equipped with a central catadioptric camera. This kind of vision sensor combines lens and mirrors to enlarge the field of view. The proposed approach, which exploits the epipolar geometry defined by the current and the desired camera views, does not need any knowledge of the 3-D scene geometry. The control scheme is divided in two steps. In the first one, the epipoles are used together with an approximate input-output linearizing feedback to align the robot with the goal. Feature points are then used in the second translation step to reach the desired configuration. Global asymptotic convergence is proven. Simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
机译:我们提供了一种基于图像的Visual Serving策略,用于配备中央昏迷相机的非完整移动机器人。这种视觉传感器结合了镜头和镜子来扩大视野。利用当前和所需的相机视图定义的ePipolar几何来利用所提出的方法,不需要任何知识的3-D场景几何。控制方案分为两个步骤。在第一个中,截止板与近似输入输出线性化反馈一起使用,以使机器人与目标对齐。然后在第二转换步骤中使用特征点以达到所需的配置。已验证全球渐近融合。仿真和实验结果表明了所提出的控制方案的有效性。



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