首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence >Novel methods for energy-based cultural modeling and simulation: Why eight is great in Chinese culture

Novel methods for energy-based cultural modeling and simulation: Why eight is great in Chinese culture




A key frontier in artificial intelligence systems is the ability to represent and reason about culture, a notoriously difficult notion to define and operationalize. This paper presents a framework for representing, simulating, and reasoning on nuanced cultural worldviews, including culturally-mediated perception and judgment simulation, grounded in the INTELNET nuanced Energy-Based Knowledge Representation (EBKR) and COGVIEW conceptual-psychological formalisms. A detailed example cultural model is provided, covering aspects of Chinese culture relevant to lucky numbers. Simulation output includes information regarding emotions generated, involvement of key cultural notions, areas of agreement and disagreement, and other useful semantic attributes. Goals include the use of cultural worldview networks in reasoning and the simulation of judgments and emotions generated by stimuli in particular cultural contexts. Such frameworks can help simulate the cultural consequences of particular actions or ideas, determining when insults are likely to arise due to impingement on culturally important issues.
机译:人工智能系统中的一个关键边界是能够代表文化的理由,令人难度地难以定义和运作的难题。本文介绍了对细致文化世界观的代表,模拟和推理的框架,包括文化介导的感知和判断模拟,基于意义的细节能源的知识代表(EBKR)和Cogview概念 - 心理形式主义。提供了详细的示例文化模式,涵盖与幸运数字相关的中国文化的方面。仿真输出包括有关产生的情绪,关键文化观念,协议和分歧领域以及其他有用的语义属性的信息。目标包括在特定文化背景下的推理和模拟刺激产生的判断和情绪的推理和模拟。此类框架可以帮助模拟特定行动或想法的文化后果,确定何时由于发现在文化重要问题上的抗突而产生侮辱。



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