
A study on HMM based speech recognition system




Speech is the best, old and natural mode of communication among the human being without using any tool. It is the easiest way to express human feelings. So if human speech could be used to communicate with computer then it is quiet helpful for human beings to interact with computer without using keyboard interface. Hence the most important goal of speech recognition is to enable human being to communicate with the computer more naturally and effectively by means of using some algorithm. This system changed the way of how to communicate with machine. By using this system we want to make the computer to be able to understand the spoken words as speech plays an important role for the interaction with the computer. This paper gives a basic overview of HMM based speech recognition system, how does it actually work. HMM stands for Hidden Markov Model which is basically a statistical model. The speech recognition system that we discuss here is based on this statistical model.
机译:语音是人类之间最好的,古老而自然的交流方式,无需使用任何工具。这是表达人类情感的最简单方法。因此,如果可以使用人类语音与计算机进行通信,那么这对人类无需使用键盘界面即可与计算机进行交互非常有帮助。因此,语音识别的最重要目标是使人们能够通过使用某种算法与计算机进行更自然有效的通信。该系统改变了与机器通信的方式。通过使用此系统,我们希望使计算机能够理解口语,因为语音在与计算机交互中起着重要的作用。本文给出了基于HMM的语音识别系统的基本概述,以及它如何实际工作。 HMM代表“隐马尔可夫模型”,它基本上是一个统计模型。我们在此讨论的语音识别系统是基于此统计模型的。



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