首页> 外文会议>CSISE 2011;Conference on computer science, intelligent system and environment >Static Hedging for the Prices of Raw Materials to Hedge Based on Poisson Jump-Diffusion Model

Static Hedging for the Prices of Raw Materials to Hedge Based on Poisson Jump-Diffusion Model




This paper investigates the static hedging strategies of American binary warrants to hedge the prices of raw materials based on the Poisson jump-diffusion model. We extend the model in Peter Carr (1999) by taking jumps of stock price into account. The main idea is replicating the American binary warrants by exotic warrants, replicating the exotic warrants by path-independent warrants, and then replicating the path-independent warrants with vanilla warrants. Since vanilla warrants are free of timing risk, therefore, using hedging strategies above, investors can hedge the time risk of American binary warrants in the jump-diffusion model. Finally, we provide methods to construct the hedging strategies.
机译:本文研究了基于Poisson跳-扩散模型的美国二元认股权证对冲原材料价格的静态对冲策略。我们通过考虑股票价格的上涨来扩展彼得·卡尔(Peter Carr,1999)中的模型。主要思想是通过异国通行证复制美国二元通行证,通过路径独立的通行证复制异国通行权证,然后再将普通通行权证复制到路径独立的通行证。由于普通认股权证没有时间风险,因此,使用上述对冲策略,投资者可以在跳扩散模型中对冲美国二元认股权证的时间风险。最后,我们提供了构建对冲策略的方法。



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