
Automata for Coalgebras: An Approach Using Predicate Liftings




Universal Coalgebra provides the notion of a coalgebra as the natural mathematical generalization of state-based evolving systems such as (infinite) words, trees, and transition systems. We lift the theory of parity automata to this level of abstraction by introducing, for a set Λ of predicate liftings associated with a set functor Τ, the notion of a Λ-automata operating on coalgebras of type Τ. In a familiar way these automata correspond to extensions of coalgebraic modal logics with least and greatest fixpoint operators. Our main technical contribution is a general bounded model property result: We provide a construction that transforms an arbitrary Λ-automaton A with nonempty language into a small pointed coalgebra (S, s) of type T that is recognized by A, and of size exponential in that of A. S is obtained in a uniform manner, on the basis of the winning strategy in our satisfiability game associated with A. On the basis of our proof we obtain a general upper bound for the complexity of the non-emptiness problem, under some mild conditions on Λ and T. Finally, relating our automata-theoretic approach to the tableaux-based one of Cirstea et alii, we indicate how to obtain their results, based on the existence of a complete tableau calculus, in our framework.
机译:Universal Coalgebra提供了一个合并代数的概念,它是基于状态的演化系统(如(无限)单词,树和过渡系统)的自然数学概括。我们通过为与集合函子Τ相关的谓词提升Λ引入在Τ的类型的代数上运行的Λ-自动机的概念,将奇偶自动机的理论提升到这一抽象水平。以一种熟悉的方式,这些自动机对应于具有最小和最大定点运算符的煤代模态逻辑的扩展。我们的主要技术贡献是产生一般的有界模型属性结果:我们提供了一种构造,该构造将具有非空语言的任意Λ-自动机A转换为A识别的,类型为T且大小为指数的小尖定律(S,s)根据与A相关的可满足性博弈中的获胜策略,以统一的方式获得S。根据我们的证明,我们得出非空问题的复杂度的一般上限,最后,将我们的自动机理论方法与基于Tableaux的Cirstea等人的方法联系起来,在我们的框架中,我们基于存在完整Tableau演算的方式,说明如何获得其结果。


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