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No-reference Quality of Experience monitoring in DVB-H networks




The Personal Mobile Television (PMT) is a commercial reality in many countries, and is becoming a reality in other places. The Quality of Experience (QoE) actually delivered to end users will be one of the key criteria for the adoption of this new service. In order to evaluate it, objective quality assessment tools may not correlate well with the human perceived video quality and, at the same time, subjective quality assessment methods are costly and time consuming. In this paper, we design an automatic QoE monitoring module for H.264 video over DVB-H [1] networks. The module is based on both network and video parameters. We describe some strategies for extracting and measuring these parameters in DVB-H networks without any access to the original signal. The results show that our QoE estimation module captures the nonlinear relationship between these parameters and QoE. Moreover, our consideration of additional parameters leads to significant improvement in QoE estimation accuracy when compared to recent ITU QoE models for video streams.
机译:个人移动电视(PMT)在许多国家/地区已经成为商业现实,并且在其他地方也正在成为现实。实际交付给最终用户的体验质量(QoE)将成为采用这项新服务的关键标准之一。为了对其进行评估,客观的质量评估工具可能无法与人类感知的视频质量很好地关联,同时,主观质量评估方法既昂贵又耗时。在本文中,我们为DVB-H [1]网络上的H.264视频设计了一个自动QoE监视模块。该模块基于网络和视频参数。我们描述了在不访问原始信号的情况下在DVB-H网络中提取和测量这些参数的一些策略。结果表明,我们的QoE估计模块捕获了这些参数与QoE之间的非线性关系。此外,与最新的视频流ITU QoE模型相比,我们对其他参数的考虑导致QoE估计准确性的显着提高。



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