首页> 外文会议>2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering >Solution to collision detection based on bounding box in Vega Prime

Solution to collision detection based on bounding box in Vega Prime

机译:Vega Prime中基于边界框的碰撞检测解决方案



Collision detection in Vega Prime is based on the simple line segment, and collision detection based on bounding box is not realized. By studying the composition of three-dimensional object, we define a collision detection class, which inherits from vpIsector. After finding out all vertices of geometry in object, we connect these vertices one by one and constitute a trend line. The trend line constitutes our bounding box. Now, our collision detection is based on three-dimensional objects, but not the simple line segment. Additionally, we can expand x, y, z in all vertices in proportion and achieve early warning mechanism in virtual reality
机译:Vega Prime中的碰撞检测基于简单的线段,而没有实现基于边界框的碰撞检测。通过研究三维对象的组成,我们定义了一个碰撞检测类,该类继承自vpIsector。在找出对象中所有几何顶点之后,我们将这些顶点一一连接起来,并构成一条趋势线。趋势线构成我们的边界框。现在,我们的碰撞检测基于三维对象,而不是简单的线段。此外,我们可以按比例扩展所有顶点的x,y,z,并在虚拟现实中实现预警机制



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