
Web Usability on the Nintendo Wii Platform

机译:Nintendo Wii平台上的Web可用性



The aim of the present study is to propose a set of guidelines for designing Internet web sites usable and accessible with the Nintendo Wii console. After an accurate analysis of usability issues and the definition of the typical Wii Internet user, twelve usability guidelines will be described. The named guidelines are focused on the visibility, under-standability, clickability and compatibility issues. To prove the effectiveness of the guidelines we have applied them to a test web site. We carried out a comparison test on a sample of forty individuals, selected among the various categories of the potential users of the Nintendo Wii console. The analysis of the resulting information confirms that the revised web site according to our guidelines is more usable and the improvement is more pronounced for weak categories (elderly and individuals with no experience with web browsing). Furthermore the adoption of the guidelines reduces the gap between users with different expertise, accessing a web site with the console.
机译:本研究的目的是为设计可用于Nintendo Wii控制台的Internet网站提供一套指导原则。在对可用性问题进行了精确分析并确定了典型的Wii Internet用户之后,将描述十二个可用性指南。命名的指南侧重于可见性,可理解性,可点击性和兼容性问题。为了证明准则的有效性,我们已将其应用于测试网站。我们对从任天堂Wii控制台的各种潜在用户中选择的40个人进行了比较测试。对结果信息的分析证实,根据我们的指南修改后的网站更有用,并且对于弱类别(老年人和没有网络浏览经验的个人)的改进更为明显。此外,准则的采用减少了具有不同专业知识的用户之间的差距,他们可以通过控制台访问网站。



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