首页> 外文会议>2007年世界政治经济学学会第二届论坛论文集 >Emergence of Marxian Scholarship in Japan:Kawakami Hajime and his Two Critics

Emergence of Marxian Scholarship in Japan:Kawakami Hajime and his Two Critics




This paper explores into the history of Marxian economics in Japan anddiscovers in the criticism of Kawakami Hajime (1879-1946) by Kushida Tamizo(1885-1934) and Fukumoto Kazuo (1894-1983) in the early nineteen-twenties theemergence of Marxian scholarship in Japan. Kushida criticized his mentor's moralistic traitsand Fukumoto attacked Kawakani's negligence of methodology and systematic structure ofMarxian thought. Accepting the criticism of both, Kawakami transformed himself to aMarxian economist and through his prolific writing provided Japanese youth with thestandard knowledge of Marxian economics. Of the two critics of him, Kushida was moreoriented to empirical research, while Fukumoto was more theoretical. In the mid of theninety-thirties, all of the three left the front of the intellectual world and a new generation ofMarxian economists appeared. However, in my view, all of them were deeply indebted bythe scholarly horizon that had been developed by the three forerunners.
机译:本文探讨了日本的马克思主义经济学的历史,并发现了久田田三三(1885-1934)和福本和一夫(1894-1983)在20世纪20年代初对马克思主义奖学金的兴起对川上肇(1879-1946)的批评。日本。 ushi田大夫批评其导师的道德特质,而福本则抨击了川谷仁美对马克思主义思想的方法论和系统结构的疏忽。川上一夫接受这两种批评,便转型为马克思主义经济学家,并以其丰富的著作为日本青年提供了关于马克思主义经济学的标准知识。在他的两个批评家中,K田更着重于实证研究,而福本则更偏于理论。在上世纪三十年代中期,这三个人都离开了知识界的视线,出现了新一代的马克思主义经济学家。但是,在我看来,这三个先驱者所形成的学术视野深深地影响了所有人。



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