首页> 外文会议>Meeting on Cell Signaling World: Signal Transduction Pathways as Therapeutic Targets >Viability of a Human Melanoma Cell after Single and Combined Treatment with Fotemustine, Dacarbazine, and Proton Irradiation

Viability of a Human Melanoma Cell after Single and Combined Treatment with Fotemustine, Dacarbazine, and Proton Irradiation




Viability of human HTB140 melanoma cells after being ex posed to fotemustine (FM) and dacarbazine (DTIC) as well as to proton irradiation was studied. Effects of 100 and 250 μM drugs were assessed after incubation of 6, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. Irradiations were performed with 62 MeV therapeutic protons, delivering to the cell monolayer single doses of 2, 4, 8,12, and 16 Gy. Viability was evaluated 7 days after irra diation. Inactivation level was estimated using microtetrasolium (MTT) and sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays. Combined effects of each drug and protons, were carried out using the same drug concentrations. Proton doses applied were those used in therapy, that is, 12 and 16 Gy. With the increase of drug concentration or irradiation dose, level of cell inactiva tion reached approximately 60%, 48 h after drug treatment or 7 days after irradiation at 16 Gy. Considering the rate of drug concentrations used, as well as the level of doses applied, it appears that HTB140 cells are more resistant to proton irradiation than to alkylating agents tested. The combined treatment with FM or DTIC and protons did not show significant changes of cell viability as compared to the effects of single agents. Since the time point for measuring cumulative effects of drug and irradiation was 48 h post irradiation, it seems that the obtained level of viability could be attributed primarily to the effects of drugs.
机译:研究了人类HTB140黑色素瘤细胞暴露于铁莫司汀(FM)和达卡巴嗪(DTIC)以及质子辐照后的活力。在孵育6、24、48、72和96小时后,评估了100和250μM药物的效果。用62 MeV治疗性质子进行辐照,将单剂量的2、4、8、12和16 Gy递送至细胞单层。辐照后7天评估生存力。灭活水平是使用微四氧化钛(MTT)和磺基若丹明B(SRB)分析进行估算的。使用相同的药物浓度进行每种药物和质子的联合作用。所应用的质子剂量是治疗中所用的剂量,即12和16 Gy。随着药物浓度或辐射剂量的增加,在药物治疗后48小时或以16 Gy辐射后7天,细胞的失活水平达到约60%。考虑到所用药物浓度的速率以及所用剂量的水平,看来HTB140细胞对质子辐射的抵抗力要强于对测试的烷基化剂的抵抗力。与单一药剂的作用相比,FM或DTIC与质子的联合治疗并未显示出细胞活力的显着变化。由于测量药物和辐照累积作用的时间点是辐照后48小时,因此看来所获得的生存力水平可能主要归因于药物的作用。



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