
SomeCast. A paradigm for real-time adaptive reliable multicast




SomeCast is a novel paradigm for the reliable multicast of real time data to a large set of receivers. SomeCast is receiver-initiated and thus scalable in the number of receivers, the diverse characteristics of paths between senders and receivers, and the dynamic conditions of such paths. SomeCast enables receivers to dynamically adjust the rate at which they receive multicast information to enable the satisfaction of their QoS constraints. This is done by enabling a receiver to join SOME number of concurrent multiCAST sessions, whereby each session delivers a portion of an encoding of the real time data. By adjusting the number of such sessions dynamically, client-specific QoS constraints are met independently. The SomeCast paradigm can be thought of as a generalization of the AnyCast and ManyCast paradigms, which have been proposed in the literature to address issues of scalability of UniCast and MultiCast environments, respectively. The authors overview the SomeCast paradigm, describe an instance of a SomeCast protocol, and present simulation results that quantify the significant advantages gained from adopting such a protocol.
机译:SomeCast是一种新颖的范例,用于将实时数据可靠地多播到大量接收器。 SomeCast是由接收方发起的,因此可以在接收方数量,发送方和接收方之间的路径的不同特性以及此类路径的动态条件方面进行扩展。 SomeCast使接收者能够动态调整接收多播信息的速率,以实现其QoS约束。通过使接收机能够加入一定数量的并发multiCAST会话来完成此操作,从而每个会话都传递实时数据编码的一部分。通过动态调整此类会话的数量,可以独立满足特定于客户端的QoS约束。 SomeCast范式可以看作是AnyCast和ManyCast范式的概括,它们已在文献中提出,分别用于解决UniCast和MultiCast环境的可伸缩性问题。作者概述了SomeCast范例,描述了SomeCast协议的一个实例,并提供了模拟结果,这些结果量化了采用这种协议所获得的显着优势。



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