
Ground stations for analysis of electronic surveillance imagery




Since World War I, people have been taking photographs of the ground beneath an aircraft in an effort to find out what is going on in places that they may not have direct access to. In modern terms, this is known as ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance). However, photographs, in themselves, can often be of little value and it is only after the images have been exploited by highly trained and experienced imagery analysts that their full worth, in terms of intelligence information, is realised. Today, the tasks and techniques used in ISR remain very similar, the main differences being the quantity of data to be processed, the quality of the intelligence that it is possible to gain, and the advanced technologies used to collect, analyse and disseminate the information. This paper outlines the general formal approach which is now being adopted by the research community at DERA in support of ISR systems projects for all three UK armed services.
机译:自第一次世界大战以来,人们一直在拍摄飞机下方的地面照片,以找出可能无法直接进入的地方的状况。用现代术语来说,这就是ISR(情报,监视和侦察)。但是,照片本身通常没有什么价值,只有在经过训练有素且经验丰富的图像分析人员利用这些图像之后,才可以实现它们在情报信息方面的全部价值。如今,ISR中使用的任务和技术仍然非常相似,主要区别在于要处理的数据量,可能获得的情报质量以及用于收集,分析和传播信息的先进技术。 。本文概述了一般形式的方法,DERA的研究团体现在正在采用这种方法来支持英国所有三个武装部队的ISR系统项目。



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