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Some unlikely properties of the likelihood ratio and its logarithm




Abstract: It is well known that the optimum way to perform a signal- detection or discrimination task is to compute the likelihood ratio and compare it to a threshold. Varying the threshold generates the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and the area under this curve (AUC) is a common figure of merit for task performance. AUC can be converted to a signal-to-noise ratio, often known as d$-a$/, using a well-known formula involving an error function. The ROC curve can also be determined by psychophysical studies for humans performing the same task, and again figures of merit such as AUC and d$-z$/ can be derived. Since the likelihood ratio is optimal, however, the d$-a$/ values for the human must necessarily be less than those for the ideal observer, and the square of the ratio of d$-a$/ (human)/d$-a$/(ideal) is frequently taken as a measure of the perceptual efficiency of the human. The applicability of this efficiency measure is limited, however, since there are very few problems for which we can actually compute d$-a$/ or AUC for the ideal observer. In this paper we examine some basic mathematical properties of the likelihood ratio and its logarithm. We demonstrate that there are strong constraints on the form of the probability density functions for these test statistics. In fact, if one knows, say, the density on the logarithm of the likelihood ratio under the null hypothesis, the densities of both the likelihood and the log-likelihood under both hypotheses are specified in terms of a likelihood-generating function. From this single function one can obtain all moments of both the likelihood and the log-likelihood under both hypotheses. Moreover, a AUC is expressed to an excellent approximation by a single point on the function. We illustrate these mathematical properties by considering the problem of signal detection with uncertain signal location. !7
机译:摘要:众所周知,执行信号检测或区分任务的最佳方法是计算似然比并将其与阈值进行比较。改变阈值会生成接收器工作特性(ROC)曲线,而该曲线下的面积(AUC)是任务执行的常见品质因数。使用包含误差函数的众所周知的公式,可以将AUC转换为信噪比,通常称为d $ -a $ /。 ROC曲线也可以通过对执行相同任务的人进行心理物理研究来确定,并且可以再次得出品质因数,例如AUC和d $ -z $ /。但是,由于似然比是最佳的,因此人类的d $ -a $ /值必须小于理想观察者的d $ -a $ /值,并且d $ -a $ /(人)/ d $的比率的平方-a $ /(理想)通常被用作衡量人类感知效率的指标。但是,由于几乎没有问题可以为理想观察者实际计算d $ -a $ /或AUC,因此该效率度量的适用性受到限制。在本文中,我们研究了似然比及其对数的一些基本数学属性。我们证明对于这些检验统计量,概率密度函数的形式存在严格的约束。实际上,如果知道,例如,在原假设下似然比的对数上的密度,则在两种假设下,似然比和对数似然的密度都是根据似然产生函数指定的。从这个单一的函数中,人们可以同时获得两个假设下的似然和对数似然的所有矩。此外,通过函数上的单点可以将AUC表示为极佳的近似值。我们通过考虑具有不确定信号位置的信号检测问题来说明这些数学特性。 !7



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