首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 1997: Image Perception >ROC study of screen-film mammography and storage phosphor digital mammography: analysis of nonconcordant classifications and implications for the a

ROC study of screen-film mammography and storage phosphor digital mammography: analysis of nonconcordant classifications and implications for the a




Abstract: A recently completed ROC study of digital mammography using a 100 micron pixel storage phosphor receptor showed that digital mammography and conventional screen film mammography were essentially equivalent in areas under the ROC curve. In this study, there were 24 biopsy proven breast cancer cases, 25 benign biopsy cases and 48 clinically normal breast images each with matched screen film and storage phosphor images. Fifteen of the 24 cancer cases were 10 mm or less in size. Of these 10 presented with microcalcifications as the sign of disease. Six radiologists not involved with the research program and without prior experience with digital mammography and who met qualification criteria under the Mammography Quality Standards Act of 1992 served as readers. This poster looks at the cases in which there was variance between the radiologists ROC classification system for the digital and screen film system in order to analyze case specific discrepancies that may indicate benefits or deficits of the digital system. Aspects of the ROC ratings are also analyzed including an evaluation of the different thresholds used by radiologists on the digital and screen film systems, the distribution of ROC ratings in normal and abnormal cases, the effect of using different gold standards of proof on the results and the effect of substituting an ACR BIRADS category agreement study as proposed by the FDA compared to the ROC study outcome. !0
机译:摘要:最近完成的使用100微米像素存储磷光体受体的数字化X线摄影的ROC研究表明,数字式X线摄影和传统的丝网胶片X线摄影在ROC曲线下的面积基本相等。在这项研究中,有24例活检证实的乳腺癌病例,25例良性活检病例和48例临床正常的乳腺图像,每个乳腺图像均具有匹配的屏幕胶片和荧光粉图像。 24例癌症病例中有15例的大小不超过10毫米。在这10例中,微钙化表现为疾病的征兆。六名没有参与研究计划且没有数字化乳腺X射线摄影经验的放射线医师作为读者,他们均符合1992年《乳腺X射线摄影质量标准法案》的资格标准。这张海报着眼于放射科医生的ROC分类系统和数字电影胶片系统之间存在差异的情况,以便分析特定情况下的差异,这些差异可能表明数字系统的优缺点。还分析了ROC等级的各个方面,包括评估放射科医生在数字和银幕胶片系统上使用的不同阈值,正常和异常情况下ROC等级的分布,对结果使用不同的金标准证明的影响以及相对于ROC研究结果,替代FDA提出的ACR BIRADS类别协议研究的效果。 !0


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