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Long-term observations of the midlatitude stratospheric aerosol from the Mount Pinatubo eruption




Abstract: Lidar measurements, conducted at Hampton, Virginia, over the past 4 years, have provided data to characterize the mid- latitude stratospheric aerosol cloud produced by the Mount Pinatubo volcano in June 1991. These data also extend a long-term record on the stratospheric aerosol backscatter over the Hampton area dating back to 1974. Since shortly after the Pinatubo eruption, frequent measurements of aerosol backscatter have been taken using a 48-inch ground- based lidar facility at the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Aerosol backscatter ratios at 649 nm were measured throughout the 4-year period. In November 1992, a 532 channel was added to the 48-inch lidar, and backscatter ratio measurements were started for that wavelength as well as for 694 nm. Results show that integrated backscatter values increased to more than two orders of magnitude above background levels within about eight months after the Pinatubo eruption. These levels have gradually decreased since then, but some variations caused by seasonal influences have been observed. Recent measurements (December 1995) indicate that the aerosol loading has returned to approximately pre-Pinatubo levels. Over the time period that these measurements were conducted, a number of hardware modifications were made to enhance measurement capability of the Langley 48-inch lidar system, including the addition of a Nd:YAG laser, a more versatile detector package, and a Sun Sparcstation for automation and data analysis.!12
机译:摘要:过去4年在弗吉尼亚州汉普顿进行的激光雷达测量提供了表征1991年6月皮纳图博火山火山产生的中纬度平流层气溶胶云的数据。这些数据也扩展了该地区的长期记录。 1974年以来,汉普顿地区的平流层气溶胶反向散射。自从皮纳图博火山喷发之后不久,就使用位于弗吉尼亚州汉普顿的NASA兰利研究中心的48英寸地面激光雷达对气溶胶反向散射进行了频繁的测量。在整个4年的时间内测量了649 nm处的气溶胶反向散射比。 1992年11月,在48英寸激光雷达中增加了一个532通道,并开始对该波长以及694 nm进行反向散射比测量。结果表明,在皮纳图博火山喷发后约八个月内,背向散射积分值比背景水平高出两个数量级。从那时起,这些水平逐渐下降,但是已经观察到季节性因素引起的一些变化。最近的测量(1995年12月)表明,气溶胶负荷已恢复到近似皮纳图博火山之前的水平。在执行这些测量的时间段内,进行了许多硬件修改,以增强Langley 48英寸激光雷达系统的测量能力,其中包括添加了Nd:YAG激光器,功能更广泛的检测器套件和Sun Sparcstation。用于自动化和数据分析!! 12


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