首页> 外文会议>Novel Applications of Lasers and Pulsed Power >Intersatellite-laser-ranging experiment for global-change sensing and 21st century satellite control

Intersatellite-laser-ranging experiment for global-change sensing and 21st century satellite control




Abstract: The optimal integration of precise multiple-antenna GPS receivers, advanced cryogenic inertial measurement units (IMU's), and ultra-stable frequency laser ranging devices on two low altitude, copolar orbiting spacecraft forms the basis of a multifaceted/interdisciplinary proposal. Scientific objectives are to (1) sense geodynamic gravitation changes and (2) substantially improve a variety of temporal geophysical models. Such models will make the Air Force Satellite Control Network's orbit determination process more accurate and affordable. The use of differential GPS (DGPS) observations, as external updates in an elaborate Kalman filter optimally integrating the three data types, puts a bound on the low frequency IMU and laser error buildups. In the filter the DGPS, IMU, and laser data streams aid each other to obtain the experiment's two navigation goals: determining the satellites' positions and orientations to centimeter and arc second accuracies. If each satellite also possesses stereo optical (3D) and multispectral sensors, global 3D Earth background image files could be built in both the visible and IR regimes.!14



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