首页> 外文会议>International Universities Power Engineering Conference >Reduction of Penstock Fatigue in a Medium-Head Hydropower Plant Providing Primary Frequency Control

Reduction of Penstock Fatigue in a Medium-Head Hydropower Plant Providing Primary Frequency Control




The displacement of conventional electricity generation in favor of stochastic renewables will require extended regulation capacity from remaining dispatchable plants, including hydropower power plants (HPPs), which may be subject to accelerated aging of its mechanical parts due to more severe regulation duties. This paper focuses on transient pressures in the penstock of medium-head HPP due to load variations from primary frequency control. We propose and compare the performance of two algorithms to reduce pressure transients, ultimately leading to decreased penstock fatigue. The first is a linear filter applied to the input control signal of the HPP. The second, that we call fatigue-aware, uses a simplified model of the HPP to estimate the fatigue of the penstock and selectively remove those patterns from the input control signal that are conducive to accelerate fatigue damage. The performance of the two algorithms is validated by simulations considering a 230 MW medium-head HPP.
机译:为了替代随机可再生能源而取代传统的发电方式,将需要包括水力发电厂在内的其余可调度工厂扩大调节能力,由于更严格的调节职责,其机械零件可能会加速老化。本文重点研究中位HPP压力管道中由于主频率控制引起的负载变化而引起的瞬态压力。我们提出并比较了两种算法的性能,这些算法可减少压力瞬变,最终减少压力管疲劳。第一个是应用于HPP输入控制信号的线性滤波器。第二种方法称为疲劳感知,它使用HPP的简化模型来估算压力油管的疲劳度,并有选择地从输入控制信号中删除那些有助于加速疲劳损伤的模式。通过考虑230 MW中压头HPP的仿真,可以验证这两种算法的性能。



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