首页> 外文会议>Swiss Conference on Data Science >How to Optimize Gower Distance Weights for the k-Medoids Clustering Algorithm to Obtain Mobility Profiles of the Swiss Population

How to Optimize Gower Distance Weights for the k-Medoids Clustering Algorithm to Obtain Mobility Profiles of the Swiss Population




This piece of research aims to obtain mobility profiles of the Swiss population. To that end, a survey of the Swiss Statistical Office (FSO) called Mobility and Transport Micro-census (MTMC) is utilized. Along with a qualitative method clustering, the respondents in the survey are clustered based on their mobility characteristics to obtain their profiles. The clustering, in particular acquiring medoids (centrotypes or exemplars), helps us then to generate a synthetic population of Switzerland. To gain medoids of each cluster, the k-Medoids clustering algorithm is utilized which partitions instances based on their positions in a latent space (symmetric distance matrix). Distances that shape this space can be generated by various metrics e.g. Euclidean, Gower, Manhattan. Since in this study features are mixed-type (e.g. numeric, categorical, etc.), the Gower distance metric is preferred. In this study, the default weights of the Gower distance are optimized to obtain a higher Average Silhouette Width (ASW) value of the clustering results. ASW can be used to measure the quality of clustering results in which high value leads to higher intra-cluster homogeneity and inter-cluster dissimilarity. So, maximizing the ASW value improves the quality of the clusters which is the goal of the optimization. At the end, this process helps us to obtain more accurate mobility profiles of the Swiss population.
机译:这首研究旨在获得瑞士人口的移动性曲线。为此,利用了对瑞士统计局(FSO)的调查,称为流动性和运输微量人口普查(MTMC)。除了定性方法聚类之外,调查中的受访者基于其移动特性来聚类,以获得其配置文件。群集,特别是获取麦细管(Centrotypes或Photears),帮助我们产生瑞士的合成群。为了增益每个簇的麦细管,利用K-METOIDS聚类算法基于它们在潜在空间(对称距离矩阵)中的位置进行分区实例。塑造此空间的距离可以由各种度量产生例如各种度量。欧几里德,嫩芽,曼哈顿。由于在本研究特征中是混合型(例如数字,分类等),因此优选Gower距离度量。在本研究中,优化了Gower距离的默认重量,以获得群集结果的更高平均轮廓宽度(ASW)值。 ASW可用于测量聚类的质量,其中高值导致较高的集群内均匀性和簇间不同。因此,最大化ASW值可以提高群集的质量,这是优化的目标。最后,该过程有助于我们获得瑞士人口的更准确的移动性概况。



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