




Welcome to the proceedings of the 4th workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code Switching (CALCS). Code-switching (CS) is the phenomenon by which multilingual speakers switch back and forth between their common languages in written or spoken communication. CS is pervasive in informal text communications such as news groups, tweets, blogs, and other social media of multilingual communities. Such genres are increasingly being studied as rich sources of social, commercial and political information. Moreover, CS language data is penetrating more traditional formal genres such as newswire in multilingual communities. Apart from the informal genre challenge associated with such data within a single language processing scenario, the CS phenomenon adds another significant layer of complexity to the processing of the data. Efficiently and robustly processing CS data still presents a new frontier for NLP algorithms on all levels. CS accordingly has been garnering more importance and attention both in academic circles, research labs, and industry. Furthermore, the current pandemic and associated guidelines of physical distancing has created a significant spike in online platform usage in an unprecedented manner. The usage is for social connectivity but even more relevant is for information seeking. This increase in social media usage translates to more CS language usage leading to an even more urgent need for processing.
机译:欢迎来到第四届语言代码转换计算方法研讨会(CALCS)的会议记录。代码转换(CS)是一种多语种说话者在书面或口头交流中在其通用语言之间来回切换的现象。 CS广泛用于非正式文本交流中,例如新闻组,推文,博客和其他多语言社区的社交媒体。这类流派正越来越多地被研究为社会,商业和政治信息的丰富来源。此外,CS语言数据正在渗透更传统的形式体裁,例如多语言社区中的新闻专线。除了在单一语言处理场景中与此类数据相关的非正式体裁挑战外,CS现象还给数据处理增加了另一层重要的复杂性。有效,强大地处理CS数据仍然为所有级别的NLP算法提出了一个新的领域。因此,CS在学术界,研究实验室和行业中都越来越受到重视和关注。此外,当前的流行病和相关的物理距离指导原则以前所未有的方式使在线平台的使用率显着上升。用法用于社交连接,但更重要的是用于信息搜索。社交媒体使用量的增加转化为更多的CS语言使用量,从而导致对处理的迫切需求。



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