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Blockchain for IoT Enabled Supply Chain Management - A Systematic Review




Blockchain will increase supply chains' productivity and accountability, and have a positive effect on anything from warehousing to distribution to payment. To bridge the supply chain visibility gap, blockchain is being deployed because of its security features like immutability, tamper-resistant and hash proof. Blockchain integration with IoT increases the traceability and verifiability of the supply chain management and drastically eradicates the fraudulent activities including bribery, money laundering, forged checks, sanction violations, misrepresentation of goods and services. Blockchain can help to cross-check the verification, identification and authenticity of IoT devices to reduce the frequency and ramifications of fraud in supply chain management. The epidemic outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 has disrupted many global supply chains. The Geneva-based World Economic Forum declared that SARS-CoV-2 exposed supply chain failures can be tackled by blockchain technology. This paper explores the modern methodologies of supply chain management with integration of blockchain and IoT.
机译:区块链将提高供应链的生产率和问责制,并对从仓储到分销再到付款的任何事物产生积极影响。为了弥合供应链可见性的差距,正在部署区块链,因为它具有不变性,防篡改和哈希证明等安全功能。区块链与物联网的集成提高了供应链管理的可追溯性和可验证性,并彻底消除了欺诈行为,包括贿赂,洗钱,伪造支票,违反制裁,对商品和服务的虚假陈述。区块链可以帮助交叉检查IoT设备的验证,标识和真实性,以减少供应链管理中欺诈的频率和后果。 SARS-CoV-2的流行已中断了许多全球供应链。总部位于日内瓦的世界经济论坛宣布,可以通过区块链技术解决SARS-CoV-2暴露的供应链故障。本文探索了将区块链与物联网相集成的现代供应链管理方法论。



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