首页> 外文会议>International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering >Sleep effects of aircraft noise near Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport: results from the pilot study of the DEBATS research program

Sleep effects of aircraft noise near Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport: results from the pilot study of the DEBATS research program

机译:巴黎查尔斯德戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴戴斯特的睡眠效果:Debats Research计划的试验研究结果



DEBATS is an on-going research program aiming to characterize the relations between the aircraft noise exposure and the health status of French residents around three airports. In particular, this program includes a sleep study whose goal is to characterize specifically acute effects of aircraft noise on sleep quality using accurate noise exposure measurements. A pilot study was performed in 2011 in order to test and validate the protocol. Twelve individuals wore a wrist actiwatch for seven nights and completed a sleep diary in order to evaluate their sleep quality. An actiwatch allows detection of wrist movements and is useful for discriminating sleep from wake activity. It has been validated in the assessment of sleep indicators. Simultaneously, a sonometer located in the participants' bedroom recorded their noise exposure during these nights. A second sonometer set up outside (at the bedroom facade) allowed us to identify the aircraft noise and to evaluate the impact of this noise in the participants' bedroom. Thus, energetic as well as noise event indicators have been estimated and a link between these indicators and sleep quality has been investigated. The results of this pilot study are presented and discussed.
机译:Debats是一个持续的研究计划,旨在表征飞机噪音暴露与法国居民的健康状况在三个机场。特别是,该计划包括睡眠研究,其目标是使用精确的噪声曝光测量来表征飞机噪声对睡眠质量的急性效果。试点研究于2011年进行,以便测试和验证协议。十二个人穿着腕表七晚,并完成了睡眠日记,以评估他们的睡眠质量。 Actiwatch允许检测手腕运动,并且可用于识别睡眠活动的睡眠。它已在评估睡眠指标中验证。同时,位于参与者卧室的索音计在这夜间记录了他们的噪音曝光。在外面设立的第二个索音表(在卧室外观上)允许我们识别飞机噪音并评估参与者卧室的这种噪音的影响。因此,已经估计了精力充沛以及噪声事件指示符,并研究了这些指标与睡眠质量之间的联系。提出和讨论了该试点研究的结果。



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