
Advances in Argument Mining




This course aims to introduce students to an exciting and dynamic area that has witnessed remarkable growth over the past 36 months. Argument mining builds on opinion mining, sentiment analysis and related to tasks to automatically extract not just what people think, but why they hold the opinions they do. From being largely beyond the state of the art barely five years ago, there are now many hundreds of papers on the topic, millions of dollars of commercial and research investment, and the 6th ACL workshop on the topic will be in Florence in 2019. The tutors have delivered tutorials on argument mining at ACL 2016, at IJCAI 2016 and at ESSLLI 2017; for ACL 2019, we have developed a tutorial that provides a synthesis of the major advances in the area over the past three years.
机译:本课程旨在向学生介绍一个令人兴奋和充满活力的领域,该领域在过去36个月中取得了令人瞩目的增长。论点挖掘建立在观点挖掘,情感分析以及与任务相关的基础上,不仅可以自动提取人们的想法,还可以自动提取他们为什么持有自己的观点。仅仅在不到五年前,它已经远远超出了现有技术水平,现在有数百篇关于该主题的论文,数百万美元的商业和研究投资,第六届ACL主题研讨会将于2019年在佛罗伦萨举行。导师已在ACL 2016,IJCAI 2016和ESSLLI 2017上提供了有关参数挖掘的教程;对于ACL 2019,我们已经开发了一个教程,其中总结了过去三年中该领域的主要进展。



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