首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces >Revisiting Jean Louis Baudry's Concept of the Ideological Apparatus: Linking Virtual Reality to The Dream Analogy

Revisiting Jean Louis Baudry's Concept of the Ideological Apparatus: Linking Virtual Reality to The Dream Analogy

机译:重温让·鲍德(Jean Louis Baudry)的意识形态设备概念:将虚拟现实与梦想类比联系起来



This paper aims to link Jean Louis Baudry's theory of cinematographic apparatus, and in particular his “dream analogy”, to the way we interpret experiential states within a Virtual Reality environment. Analogous elements that constitute and assist in the reading of the “dream analogy” will be presented as threads for consideration of the relevance and validity of such theory to Virtual Reality. The paper extends research previously undertaken by the author which introduced and linked the theory of the apparatus to electronic media art and in particular to interactive installations and responsive environments.



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