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Embedded Automobile Based Vehicular Security System




Electronics embedded systems have become an essential and integral part of modern vehicles. This paper deals with the design and development of an embedded system, which shall be programmed to prevent/control the theft of a vehicle. The developed instrument is a basic embedded system based on Bluetooth and fingerprint technology. The first module is placed in the engine of the vehicle and the other module is placed on the dash of the vehicle, both the MCU's are interfaced with a bluetooth module. The ignition relay of the vehicle can be programmed in such a way that it responds to commands/fingerprint received from the transmitter MCU only. The Bluetooth transmitter is identified by the MCU using the hardware address which is unique for each transmitter. In addition to the above features, an extra feature of facial recognition can also be introduced to ascertain more security of the vehicle.
机译:电子嵌入式系统已经成为现代车辆的重要组成部分。本文涉及嵌入式系统的设计和开发,嵌入式系统应进行编程以防止/控制车辆盗窃。开发的仪器是基于蓝牙和指纹技术的基本嵌入式系统。第一个模块放置在车辆的引擎中,另一个模块放置在车辆的仪表板上,两个MCU均与蓝牙模块连接。可以对车辆的点火继电器进行编程,使其仅响应从发送器MCU接收到的命令/指纹。 MCU使用每个发送器唯一的硬件地址来识别蓝牙发送器。除了上述功能外,还可以引入面部识别的其他功能,以确保车辆的更高安全性。



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