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How has Cagliari Changed Its Citizens in Smart Citizens? Exploring the Influence of ITS Technology on Urban Social Interactions




The main purpose of this article is to evaluate and to achieve a deeper understanding of the changing role of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs) not only in transport habits, but also in urban traditional lifestyles of citizens, by using the city of Cagliari (Italy) as a case study. In fact, ITSs play a significant role in determining innovative sustainable transport, for a better use of urban space and time, enhancing also the people quality of life. ITSs help people to move around more easily, safely and economically, in a more environmentally friendly manner. Traditionally, ITSs were used to improve traffic flow, cars speed, easy parking and therefore encouraging the use of the cars, by causing negative impact on social interactions. Nowadays, cities are changing and use technology in order to greatly improve public transport and smart mobility. Specifically, this study analyzes the city of Cagliari (Italy) and its transition toward a smart, sustainable and green mobility, by showing the successful steps from a scenario based on a car-used city to a new scenario based on a free cars-used city due to an integrated, environmental, smart approach.
机译:本文的主要目的是通过使用意大利卡利亚里市,评估并深入了解智能交通系统(ITS)不仅在交通习惯中,而且在市民的城市传统生活方式中的作用变化作为案例研究。实际上,智能交通系统在确定创新的可持续交通,更好地利用城市空间和时间,提高人们的生活质量方面起着重要作用。 ITS帮助人们以更环保的方式更轻松,安全和经济地出行。传统上,ITS被用于改善交通流量,提高车速,方便停车,并因此通过对社交互动产生负面影响来鼓励人们使用汽车。如今,城市正在发生变化,并使用技术来大大改善公共交通和智能出行。具体而言,本研究通过展示成功的步骤(从基于汽车使用城市的场景到基于免费汽车使用的新场景),分析了卡利亚里市(意大利)及其向智能,可持续和绿色出行的过渡城市是一种综合,环保,智能的方法。



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