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Event-Based Life in a Nutshell: How Evaluation of Individual Life Cycles Can Reveal Statistical Inferences Using Action-Accumulating P Systems




A sequence of perceivable events or recorded observations over time commonly witnesses the life cycle of an individual at a macroscopic perspective. In case of a human being, birth could make the starting point followed by successive maturation along with increase of individual skills. Further events like foundation of a family, stages of career, coping with dramatic diseases, loss of abilities, and finally the death mark crucial events within a human life cycle. Even beyond biology, life cycles are present in various contexts, for instance when elucidating the quality of durable technical products such as cars. Social scenarios or games with several players incorporate consideration of life cycles as well. Provided by logfiles or monitoring reports, dedicated accumulation of events facilitates identification of life cycles whose statistical analysis promises valuable insights. To this end, we formalise an individual by a set of attributes. Based on its underlying initial assignment ("genetic potential"), events can update corresponding attribute values. Furthermore, events might create new individuals but also kill or merge existing ones. For modelling and evaluation of life cycles, we introduce action-accumulating P systems inspired by dealing with events which in turn result in actions at the system's level. Two case studies demonstrate practical benefits from our approach: We explore the survival of pieces in the board game Mensch argere Dich nicht (Man, don't get annoyed - a variation of Ludo). Secondly, we interpret pseudonymised data from 1,108 students who attended our university course Introduction to Programming stating main factors to improve the final grade with emphasis on the effect of passing a line of exercises and practical training offers.
机译:一系列可感知的事件或随时间推移而记录的观察结果通常从宏观角度见证一个人的生命周期。以人为例,出生可以作为起点,然后是不断成熟以及个人技能的提高。诸如家庭基础,职业阶段,应对重大疾病,能力丧失以及最后的死亡等进一步事件标志着人类生命周期中的关键事件。甚至在生物学之外,生命周期也存在于各种情况下,例如,在阐明耐用技术产品(例如汽车)的质量时。社交场景或具有多个玩家的游戏也考虑了生命周期。由日志文件或监视报告提供的事件的专用累积有助于识别生命周期,其生命周期统计分析有望提供有价值的见解。为此,我们通过一组属性将一个人正式化。根据事件的基础初始分配(“遗传潜能”),事件可以更新相应的属性值。此外,事件可能会创建新的个人,但也会杀死或合并现有的个人。为了对生命周期进行建模和评估,我们引入了累积行动的P系统,该系统受事件处理的启发,而事件又导致了系统级别的行动。有两个案例研究证明了我们方法的实际好处:我们在棋盘游戏Mensch argere Dich nicht(伙计,别惹恼-Ludo的变体)中探索棋子的生存。其次,我们解释了参加我们的大学课程介绍的1,108名学生的假名数据,其中指出了提高最终成绩的主要因素,重点是通过一系列练习和实践培训课程的效果。



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