首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence >Methods of Interdisciplinarity Approach to Literary Content to Achieve Moral-Civic Education in Primary School

Methods of Interdisciplinarity Approach to Literary Content to Achieve Moral-Civic Education in Primary School




Through the use and adequate interdisciplinary integration in school activities of the most effective methods of moral education, one can reach the formation of moral values corroborated with the capitalization of the literary texts in the lessons of Romanian language and literature. By addressing the literary text from the axiological point of view in the Romanian language and the civic education in the primary cycle, in accordance with the objectives and content of the training and with the psychological profile of the children's age, the roles within the group can be influenced, and through them moral and aesthetic formation of children also. The study of the Romanian language has a special significance in the formation of the students, ensuring their intellectual evolution, the appropriate training in the other disciplines and their integration into the social life.



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