首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy >Silicone Rubber Nanocomposites filled with Silicone Nitride and Silicone Dioxide Nanofillers: Comparison of Electrical Treeing and Partial Discharge Characteristics

Silicone Rubber Nanocomposites filled with Silicone Nitride and Silicone Dioxide Nanofillers: Comparison of Electrical Treeing and Partial Discharge Characteristics




This paper presents comparative study on electrical treeing with its associated partial discharge (PD) grown in silicone rubber (SiR) samples having different concentration of silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) nanofillers. Despite many studies on electrical treeing in SiR with SiO2 nanofillers, none of the publication have reported on Si3N4 nanofillers for the purpose of the electrical tree growth suppression. By applying a fixed AC voltage of 12 kV at power frequency of 50 Hz, the treeing experiments were conducted on unfilled SiR, SiR/SiO2, and SiR/Si3N4 nanocomposites with 1, 3, and 5 weight percentages (wt%) of filler weight concentration and the treeing parameters were observed together with its correlated PD patterns. This study found that among the samples of SiR, SiR/SiO2 and SiR/Si3N4, the best nanocomposites to suppress the electrical tree growth is SiR/Si3N4. Moreover, when the electrical treeing progresses, the PD activity shows increment thus indicating correlation in both parameters which can be a key tool for monitoring unseen treeing in opaque samples.
机译:本文对具有不同浓度的二氧化硅(SiO)的硅橡胶(SiR)样品中生长的电树及其相关的局部放电(PD)进行了比较研究。 2 )和氮化硅(Si 3 ñ 4 )纳米填料。尽管有很多关于SiO的SiR中的电树的研究 2 纳米填料,没有出版物报道Si 3 ñ 4 纳米填料的目的是抑制电气树的生长。通过以50 Hz的电源频率施加12 kV的固定交流电压,对未填充的SiR,SiR / SiO进行了树状实验 2 和SiR / Si 3 ñ 4 观察到具有1、3和5重量百分比(wt%)的填料重量浓度的纳米复合材料以及树状参数及其相关的PD模式。这项研究发现,在SiR样品中,SiR / SiO 2 和SiR / Si 3 ñ 4 ,抑制电树生长的最佳纳米复合材料是SiR / Si 3 ñ 4 。此外,当进行电树化时,PD活动显示出增量,从而表明两个参数之间的相关性,这可能是监视不透明样本中看不见的树状结构的关键工具。



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