
On Non-Routine Places in Urban Human Mobility




The dichotomy between two opposite propensities, exploration and exploitation, characterizes and drives many human behaviors, from decision making to social learning. Recently, this dichotomy has been found also in human mobility where people can be divided into two basic types: returners, those who are very regular in their daily mobility; and explorers, those who are inclined to break out of their daily mobility routine and explore new places. While the former attitude has been widely studied in literature and results in the well-known tendency to frequently visit a few locations (e.g. home and workplace), the latter trait remains an unexplored aspect and deserves further investigation. In this work we focus on the characterization of the places that an individual visits when she is driven by her propensity for exploration, i.e. non-routine places which are outside her usual daily mobility patterns. To this end, we mine an anonymized mobile phone dataset which integrates call, text and data activities of about one million subscribers in Milan, to detect and characterize the non-routine places. Moreover, we complement it with Foursquare venues along with their category to semantically characterize the reasons driving the choice of the places to explore. The analysis of the non-routine places and the mobility patterns during the exploration phase brings to light some interesting findings: i) to a greater or lesser extent, all individuals are explorers since they visit a significant number of non-routine places; ii) due to the exceptionality of a visit, non-routine places are farther from home and workplace than frequently visited places; iii) we are explorers in our leisure time; iv) we get to a non-routine place leaving our home, then we return home later; and v) in Milan, shopping, in particular at fashion and clothing stores, is the main interest behind the need to explore non-routine places.
机译:从决策到社会学习,两个相反的倾向(探索和剥削)之间的二分法表征并驱动了许多人类行为。最近,在人们的流动性中也发现了这种二分法,人们可以将其分为两种基本类型:返回者,那些日常活动非常有规律的人;和探险者,那些愿意摆脱日常出行习惯并探索新地方的人。尽管前者的态度已在文献中得到广泛研究,并导致众所周知的趋势是经常拜访一些地方(例如家庭和工作场所),但后者的性状仍然是一个尚未探索的方面,值得进一步研究。在这项工作中,我们着重于个人受探索倾向驱使时所拜访的地方(即非常规的日常活动方式以外的地方)的特征。为此,我们挖掘了一个匿名的手机数据集,该数据集整合了米兰约一百万名订户的呼叫,文本和数据活动,以检测和表征非常规场所。此外,我们将其与Foursquare场地及其类别相辅相成,从语义上描述驱动选择探索地点的原因。在探索阶段对非常规场所和流动性模式的分析揭示了一些有趣的发现:i)或多或少,所有个人都是探索者,因为他们访问了大量的非常规场所; ii)由于访问的特殊性,非常规场所比经常访问的场所离家和工作场所更远; iii)我们是休闲时光的探索者; iv)我们到达一个非常规的地方离开家,然后我们稍后返回家中; v)在米兰,购物,尤其是在时装店和服装店,是探索非常规场所的主要兴趣所在。



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