首页> 外文会议>International conference on critical information infrastructures security >Behavioral Intentions and Threat Perception During Terrorist, Fire and Earthquake Scenarios

Behavioral Intentions and Threat Perception During Terrorist, Fire and Earthquake Scenarios




The aim of this study is to assess the determinants of behavioral intention and threat perception in three types of crisis situations (fire, earthquake, and terrorist attack). We considered both individual factors (locus of control, illusion of control, optimism bias, knowledge about crisis management, and institutional trust) and situational ones (the presence vs. absence of significant others). A sample of 249 students was included in the study. The crisis type and the presence of significant others were manipulated through scenarios. The participants were randomly assigned to one of the experimental conditions and filled in self-report scales which assessed individual factors, behavioral intention and threat perception. The results showed that individuals prefer an affiliative behavioral response in all crisis types. Institutional trust, locus of control, and the level of knowledge predicted the affiliative behavior. The implications for crisis situation management of crowded places and risk communication are discussed.



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