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Analysis of the Kupyna-256 Hash Function




The hash function Kupyna was recently published as the Ukrainian standard DSTU 7564:2014. It is structurally very similar to the SHA-3 finalist Grostl, but differs in details of the round transformations. Most notably, some of the round constants are added with a modular addition, rather than bitwise xor. This change prevents a straightforward application of some recent attacks, in particular of the rebound attacks on the compression function of similar AES-like hash constructions. However, we show that it is actually possible to mount rebound attacks, despite the presence of modular constant additions. More specifically, we describe collision attacks on the compression function for 6 (out of 10) rounds of Kupyna-256 with an attack complexity of 2~(70), and for 7 rounds with complexity 2~(125.8). In addition, we can use the rebound attack for creating collisions for the round-reduced hash function itself. This is possible for 4 rounds of Kupyna-256 with complexity 2~(67) and for 5 rounds with complexity 2~(120).
机译:哈希函数Kupyna最近作为乌克兰标准DSTU 7564:2014发布。它在结构上与SHA-3决赛入围者Grostl非常相似,但是轮次变换的细节有所不同。最值得注意的是,一些舍入常数是通过模加而不是按位异或来添加的。此更改可防止对某些最近的攻击(尤其是对类似AES类哈希结构的压缩功能的反弹攻击)进行直接应用。但是,我们显示,尽管存在模块化的常量添加项,但实际上有可能发起反弹攻击。更具体地说,我们描述了针对压缩函数的碰撞攻击,其中Kupyna-256进行了6轮攻击(每10轮攻击),攻击复杂度为2〜(70),对攻击轮进行了7轮攻击,复杂度为2〜(125.8)。另外,我们可以使用回弹攻击为减少后的回合哈希函数本身创建碰撞。对于复杂度为2〜(67)的4轮Kupyna-256和复杂度为2〜(120)的5轮,这是可能的。



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